Help Wanted: Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant to the Board of Directors of La Plata West Water Authority
La Plata West Water Authority is looking for an administrative assistant to run the daily operations of the Authority, and to be the face of our business at our new office located at 555 County Road 122, Hesperus, CO. This is a flexible part-time position that will require 24-7 telephone manning. The office operations will require: solid computer skills, knowledge of the neighborhood/service area, excellent communication skills and multi software application knowledge and/or good ability to learn, and interaction with the Board of Directors. Some of applications include but are not limited to: QuickBooks Online, Excel, MS- Word, BILL, website managing, SCADA systems, printer/scanner, and learn many more. Traditional office work, excellent public relations and working with our water operator, together with other standard operating procedures, will be required. Several months of training will be available. Learn as we grow, and grow with us. Pay as commensurate to skill level. Please send applications and resumes to
Submit anytime, LPWWA will close submissions June 15th, 2023.
LPWWAs_Employment application 2023.pdf