PR Release for 6-13-18 LPWWA Board Meeting
- At the recent meeting of the Board of Directors for the La Plata West Water Authority, there was JOY within the committee when announced that the Phase I construction loan was opened on June 14th, this is the beginning of our waterline to Southwest La Plata County.
- The PR Committee is currently looking for an official name for the Intake Structure location at Lake Nighthorse, something that could indicate additional names that would show the different phases as the project grows.
- Meetings with the fire department, sheriff’s department and the Durango police department have taken place to insure that security is covered at the intake structure along with the security cameras we have in place at Lake Nighthorse.
- A new committee has been formed to look at a manager and/or bookkeeper for LPWWA waterline project to determine which direction this position should take along with a job description. This committee will report back in July.
- LPWWA is always in need of help and input for our future phases. Please contact one of the board members if you can help!